Pamela Rossmann

For the viewer:
My brain is a sieve. In its waking and dreaming state, life is poured, catching only what cannot fit through the holes. What is left behind is a pulp that, more often than not, reveals half the story, half the joke, or half the history. The rest seeps through and is lost forever . My work is what remains of a current event or distant past. It is pulp fiction, fairy tale, punch line, or "almost" science. My pieces attempt to save whatever I can of moments that happen at me, not to me. The result, floating, dreamy works which reveal the anxiety and the desire for order from information, and the failure to contain it.
In truth, we all need to cope with the inability to process the enormous load placed upon our brains today. Some can hold more information than others. For those of us who feel they lose too much through the sieve, there is always our imagination to finish the story.

Pamela Rossmann is a graduate of Rutgers University with a BFA in fine Art. Her concentration was sculpture with an art history minor. While passionate about three dimensional art, she gravitated to painting. True enjoyment came from transferring sculptural concepts into two dimensional images through composition, shape, and color. After moving to San Francisco, Pamela was commissioned to create pieces that shared aesthetic with clients both public and private. Today she resides in Santa fe where she works and lives as a happy human with her Husband Thomas and silly dog Birdie.

Daily postings and works in progress are found on Instagram: